Monday, June 1, 2015

We Need Your help!

Please help us with our event planning project! We are the students in Mr.Ware's Sports Event Planning class. The idea came to mind to form a Homecoming event for the new 2015-2016 class year. We would like to know that you think and what you would like to see happen at the event. This is just in planning stages and for a class project, however this  proposal will be presented to the Life University board of directors as a possible REAL concept.

Please fill out the poll forms on the side bar and leave comments below with your ideas. Also, vote for a Homecoming Queen, Homecoming King, and Favorite Teacher one the Award Voting page.The votes and comments will be tallied and will help with the decision making process so hopefully the former, current, and future students can have wonderful homecoming event.

Thank you for your help!

Your fellow students